We meet every Wednesday @10am for one-hour sessions listed below. Tutorials will contain extra exercises to practice on your own time. Besides formal meeting times, each of the instructors will hold weekly office hours in Zoom in which they will be available to help with the tutorials or other R questions you may have. Keep an eye out on Slack for a link to Zoom meetings.


Topic Content summary By Date
How R works R/RStudio, objects, manipulate data Ernesto Bonadies April 29
Flow control loops, if/else, functions Lee Dietterich May 6
Graphics packages, baseR, ggplot2 Tauana Cunha May 13
Statistical analyses anova, linear models, ordination Bruno de Medeiros May 20

Office Hours

Lee Dietterich - every Monday @3pm
Bruno de Medeiros - every Tuesday @10am
Ernesto Bonadies - every Thursday @10am
Tauana Cunha - every Friday @2pm

You can also download the Syllabus.